Photo: Krzysztof Górecki
Eugénie Nottebohm
Belgian/ Panamanian
E-mail: eugenie.nottebohm07@gmail.com
Phone/Whattsapp: +32 477693682
Owner of the business L'Art itinérant d'Eugénie
Created in June 2019 under the Belgian law
as a "Petite entreprise" (BE 0535.504.039).
Work experience
I started my working life as a Postdoctorate in the Neurobiology laboratory at the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) in Belgium.
For 6 years I was an environment consultant in Belgium participating to a variety of environmental studies. I then became nature guide. Deceived by the lack of impact that environmental consultants have to protect the environment, I stopped that job and changed the work field to be closer to my humanistic ideals. Therefore I studied Art Therapy, that combines art, with social work and sciences.
For 15 years I worked in the family run house for elderly - the Nottebohm Foundation as an animator and art therapist.
After I was diagnosed breast cancer in June 2015, I decided to start my own little business that combines my passions: art, sailing and natural sciences.
1991 – 1995
Doctorat en sciences zoologiques with Cum laude
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Laboratoire de Neurobiologie supervised by Dr.Alain Ghysen
" Etude génétique de l’établissement de la connectivité neuronale chez Drosophila melanogaster”
1999 - 2000
Nature guide Training organised by the Centrum voor Natuur- en Milieueducatie (Antwerpen, Belgium)
2001 – 2002
Forest guide Training organised by the Centrum voor Natuur- en Milieueducatie (Antwerpen, Belgium)
2005 – 2007
Certificat d’Animateur d’atelier d’expression et de créativité, Centre Rhapsodie, Bruxelles, Belgium
2008 - 2010
Certificat d’Art-thérapeute, Centre Rhapsodie, Bruxelles, Belgium
Art Education
2013 - 2015
Speciality Printmaking, Atelier Goedele Peeters
Stedelijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Berchem, Antwerpen, Belgium
Atelier Bookbinding, Atelier van Katja Clement
Stedelijke Academie Beeldende Kunst Berchem, Antwerpen, Belgium
2005 – 2011
Diploma Printmaking, Atelier Goedele Peeters
Stedelijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Merksem, Antwerpen, Belgium
2002 – 2004
Atelier Silkscreen, Atelier Jeanine Cohen
Académie des Beaux-Arts de Watemael – Boitsfort, Brussels, Belgium
1994- 2002
Diploma in Painting, Atelier Christos Vouyiouklis,
Académie des Beaux-Arts de Watemael – Boitsfort, Brussels, Belgium
Selected for the Prijs Frans Dille 2012 – 2013, Antwerpen, Belgium
ECHO Award of the “Concours Prix Médiatine 2003”, Brussels, Belgium
Selected for the “Salon de Mai 2002” van de “Prix de la Fondation Paul Hamesse”, Brussels, Belgium
Selected for the “Concours 2001 du prix Jeunes Espoirs – Ninette Guiaut”, Braine – l’Alleud, Belgium