Guadiana is the river that traces the border between Algarve and Andalucia. I spent there 7 monthes. The nature is wild and in many places free from human influence. Therefore the biodiversity is very rich. The river creates a microclimate, with changing weather. In the winter, fog remains a long time until the sun is warm enough to dissolve it, creating mysterious atmospheres. In the spring flowers colour the hills. In the summer the sun dries the shrubs. They glow as gold in the strong sunlight.
With the lockdown I spent more time that I expected, and had plenty of time to explore the surroundings. It was also a nice opportunity to experiment different techniques to shape my impressions of this wonderful place.
You can read my sailing story by clicking on the image.
This is the view from Ayamonte in Spain to Castro Marim in Portugal and the Serra Estrela.
When I arrived I walked a lot on both sides. It was a challenge to grasp the diversty of plants and trees.
Centenary trees.
Experimenting with Golden ink.
Painting the fog frees the movement, as the lights change very quickly.